Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wishful Wednesdays: Romance...

I was watching “A walk to Remember” yesterday when  I was at work (it’s not the first time I’ve seen it) It’s one of my favorite romance films and what I really like about it is the innocence of it all Landon’s true and genuine feelings for Jaime, he’d do anything for her to be comfortable and safe. That’s true romance but after the movie is over I come back to reality…..

and remember it was just a movie, Now I don't want people to think I'm despreat because I don't have a boyfriend or significant other I'm happy they way things are now but I will admit sometimes the lonliness gets to you and wish you could be 6 years old again and just think you don't have to worry about these things and just being content with dreaming of being a Disney Princess. However now that I think of it when I watch disney movies about how the prince kisses his princess or when she is saved from the evil wicked witch I think.....where has the romance gone?

Now Romance is wondering if the oppisite sex is going to get a lucky lay or not..... It makes me wonder if the kind of romance you see in disney and romance movies even existe anymore. I've only been in love once and I thought it would be how it is in the movies but turns out the guy was a total douchebag and ended up cheating on me, but it doesn't make me think all men are the same I strongly beleive there still some good guys out there....when I watch "A walk to Remember" I say " I want to have a relationship like Landon and Jamie" ....

and sometimes....

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