Monday, August 22, 2011

Case of the Mondays & first day of school!

ARRRRGGGGGHHHH! it's the most boring and dullest day of the year it's the day after Sunday and on day before hump day..... it's the day we dread the most and with that being said it's the first day of school! well there's some states that probably started a week or so earlier but here in Texas school started today and I want to say to all the parents and all the kids that I hope you had a great first day of school! and I'm gonna take this time to make a shout out to my lovely ladies Arci, Ginnie, Carmen & Ana! I hope your 1st day of being Seniors went well =)
I think when our day is finally over on a Monday we usually head straight to Happy hour, it feels good to unwind but at the same time it's always good to go out for a job it really helps to relax. if your not having a good day I'm sorry I have something that can make you laugh and startle you a bit I found it last week and figured I can use it for today check it out:

as far for me this is what I've been up to all day since it's my day off

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